Facilitating First Nations Collaboration
The UFFCA has been a venue for collaboration among Upper Fraser First Nations for over 20 years, supporting their work together to advance their collective interests related to fisheries and habitat.

From local partnerships to international treaty tables, the UFFCA supports First Nation-to-First Nation collaboration across multiple scales.
Pacific Salmon Commission
First Nations Caucus

UFFCA Executive Director Gord Sterritt chairs the First Nations Caucus of Pacific Salmon Commission (PSC) Canadian contingent. The PSC is the Canada-US body that implements the Pacific Salmon Treaty.
International collaboration:
PSC First Nations Caucus and US Tribes

The PSC First Nations Caucus collaborated with US Tribes to explore the capture the sociocultural significance and value of salmon to First Nations in Canada and US Tribes for a PSC special report.
Province-wide First Nations

UFFCA President Thomas Alexis at the First Nations Fisheries Council of BC (FNFC) Annual General Assembly. Thomas sits on the FNFC Executive on behalf of the Upper Fraser region, and was a founding member of FNFC.
Fraser-wide collaboration
on emergency response

Gord is a member of the Big Bar Landslide Joint Executive Steering Committee (JESC) on behalf of the Upper Fraser. The UFFCA coordinates First Nations involvement in all aspects of Big Bar governance and operations.
Collaboration and partnerships
within the Upper Fraser

The UFFCA regularly partners with (and supports collaboration between) Upper Fraser First Nations on specific projects and programs related to stock assessment, research, monitoring, and stewardship.