Expanding First Nations-led
Fisheries Stock Assessment and Research
We conduct technical field programs and partner with Upper Fraser First Nations and government agencies to collect critical data about the health and status of Upper Fraser fish populations.
Upper Fraser Chinook Aerial Enumeration
In partnership with Upper Fraser First Nations communities and DFO, the UFFCA conducts annual aerial enumeration (helicopter counts) for adult Upper Fraser River Chinook populations. We also support/coordinate the participation of interested Upper Fraser First Nations communities on flights within their territories.
Preparing the helicopter for aerial enumeration of adult Chinook in the Nazko River.
UFFCA Executive Director Gord Sterritt in the helicopter counting Chinook.
Aerial shot of the river while enumerating migrating adult Chinook.
Radio Telemetry Monitoring for Fraser Salmon and Sturgeon
The UFFCA works with the Lheidli T’enneh First Nation and DFO to monitor Fraser salmon migration via radio telemetry stations in the Upper Fraser. The UFFCA also supports Lheidli T’enneh’s work to better understand sturgeon dynamics through mobile telemetry monitoring. Both projects operate from April to November.
Lheidli T’enneh Biologist Jeff Beardsall building a solar panel for the Bowron radio telemetry station.
Tadio telemetry station installation on the Nechako River.
Mobile/boat telemetry monitoring of Fraser sturgeon.
Taseko Sonar Assessment Feasibility Study
The UFFCA supported the establishment of the Taseko sonar assessment program. In 2015 and 2016, the UFFCA and the Tŝilhqot’in National Government (TNG) conducted a feasibility study for DIDSON sonar assessment of sockeye in the Taseko River, with the goal of filling data/knowledge gaps about Taseko sockeye including adult return estimates, life history information, and migratory timing and behaviour. TNG now conducts this program annually.
Paul Grinder of TNG visiting the DIDSON site during low water to clear and improve the site before installation in 2015.
Jimmy Harry of TNG setting up the DIDSON in 2015.
Xeni Gwet’in technician Trever William realigning the DIDSON after cleaning.
Northern Interior Fraser Sockeye Smolt Assessment
In partnership with the Yinka Dene communities of Nadleh Whut’en and Stellat’en, the Carrier Sekani Tribal Council (CSTC), and DFO, the UFFCA conducted two pilot sockeye smolt (juvenile) programs to assess Nadina and Stellako sockeye smolts. Complementary data was collected in the Nadina and the Stellako (two locations within the same system) to fill data/knowledge gaps about migration timing, growth dynamics, and stock composition for these sockeye populations.
CSTC Technicians Neil Heron and Will Mole catching smolts in nets by boat (2017).
Updated technology: rotary screw trap (RST) capturing live smolts for assessment and sampling (2019).
Removing live smolts from the rotary screw trap for sampling (2019).
Upper Fraser First Nations-led Stock Assessment
Upper Fraser First Nations are leading stock assessment projects and programs in their territories, creating an extensive network of essential data and information about Upper Fraser salmon populations that directly informs fisheries priorities, management, and recovery planning.